Eid ul-Fitr Salah Prayers - Guidelines
As-salam-u-Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatahu!
Alhamdulillaah, MCSC plans to organize Eid Al-Fitr Salah Prayers with prior sign-up online in order to maintain and manage the capacity limits as per norms/guidelines of the Administration and the Management of Temple Beth El, 67 US Route 206, Hillsborough NJ 08844.
Eid Al-Fitr Schedule
Insha'Allah Eid Al-Fitr will be on Thursday 13th May, Eid Salah will be in two sessions: 8:30 AM and 9:30 AM.
Sign-up is NOW CLOSED as we are over capacity. If you have signed up and received email confirmation on the email provided, please follow the instructions below and cooperate with the volunteers when you join for the Eid Salaah.
The indoor spaces will be monitored to comply with all current NJ State regulations in place and guidelines of Temple Beth El.
Please use your judgment in deciding the safety of congregating per your situation.
Please be reminded that the safety of others and ourselves and families is everyone’s responsibility, including you.
Due to social distancing, the Prayer Hall can accommodate up to 100 persons per session. Once this capacity is reached the doors will be closed.
We trust that everyone will self-regulate, comply, and follow the safety guidelines and other measures set forth.
May Allah accept all your deeds and reward you for following the rules by granting you Jannatul Firdaus without accountability on the Day of Judgement.
Your email confirmation of your attendance is subject to the availability of an open prayer slot.
MCSC reserves the right to admission into the Prayer Hall, due to limited capacity, social distancing and requirements to comply with NJ State and Temple Beth El's Guidelines.
Alhamdulillaah, MCSC plans to organize Eid Al-Fitr Salah Prayers with prior sign-up online in order to maintain and manage the capacity limits as per norms/guidelines of the Administration and the Management of Temple Beth El, 67 US Route 206, Hillsborough NJ 08844.
Eid Al-Fitr Schedule
Insha'Allah Eid Al-Fitr will be on Thursday 13th May, Eid Salah will be in two sessions: 8:30 AM and 9:30 AM.
Sign-up is NOW CLOSED as we are over capacity. If you have signed up and received email confirmation on the email provided, please follow the instructions below and cooperate with the volunteers when you join for the Eid Salaah.
The indoor spaces will be monitored to comply with all current NJ State regulations in place and guidelines of Temple Beth El.
Please use your judgment in deciding the safety of congregating per your situation.
Please be reminded that the safety of others and ourselves and families is everyone’s responsibility, including you.
Due to social distancing, the Prayer Hall can accommodate up to 100 persons per session. Once this capacity is reached the doors will be closed.
We trust that everyone will self-regulate, comply, and follow the safety guidelines and other measures set forth.
- Door check-in and close times will be strictly enforced. Please arrive on time for Eid Salah. Doors will open at 15 minutes before the prayer time and will close promptly once the capacity is reached.
- You MUST wear a MASK. If you are not wearing a mask at any time, you will not be allowed in.
- Gloves are recommended.
- Use the hand sanitizer available at the door entrance.
- Bring your own prayer mat for your comfort. MCSC will also have disposable prayer sheets.
- Come with WUDU. The bathrooms and wudu area are for EMERGENCY use only.
- DO NOT come if you show any symptoms of COVID-19 or have come in contact with an infected person in the past 14 days.
- DO NOT come if you are suffering from fever, cold, flu, stomach ache, diarrhea, difficulty breathing or shortness of breath.
- DO NOT come if you HAVE TRAVELED INTERNATIONALLY in the past 14 days.
- Individuals who have underlying health conditions are recommended to stay home.
- You MUST practice 6 feet of social distancing at all times and DO NOT embrace/hug/shake hands with other congregants.
- DO NOT socialize or congregate in the Hall or Parking Lot after the Eid Salah has completed.
- Please avoid crowding at all times - Exit immediately, no loitering, no lingering, hugs or handshakes.
- No meeting or congregating in groups inside the Prayer Hall.
- You take responsibility in informing us about your health in the case of any COVID-19 development, Allah forbid. In such a case, contact us immediately at [email protected] so that we can, as possible, inform the participants you have made contact with. We will take all precautions to protect your privacy.
- Ensure you wear your mask
- Use the hand sanitizer available at the door entrance.
- Pick up your prayer mat or the disposable prayer sheet/s.
- Please go directly to the prayer floor.
- Identify an open spot marked on the carpet per distancing guidelines.
- Spread your prayer mat / disposable prayer sheet and pray on the same spot.
- Please dispose of your prayer sheet after you are done.
- No meeting or congregating in groups inside the Prayer Hall or the Parking Lot.
- Please exit as soon as possible on completion of Eid Prayers and Qutbah/Sermon.
- Avoid contact with any surfaces as much as possible.
- Family members of the same household may pray at the same spot by standing next to each other.
May Allah accept all your deeds and reward you for following the rules by granting you Jannatul Firdaus without accountability on the Day of Judgement.
Your email confirmation of your attendance is subject to the availability of an open prayer slot.
MCSC reserves the right to admission into the Prayer Hall, due to limited capacity, social distancing and requirements to comply with NJ State and Temple Beth El's Guidelines.